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Fly Fishing Guides

Targeting Trophy Trout near Asheville, NC

Targeting Trophy Trout

It’s late winter in Western North Carolina. Although the days are getting longer, the spring sun has not fully rounded out the edges of winter nor brought with it its day-long warmth igniting early spring hatches. Those awaited emergences will reach fruition a few weeks in the future, but for now conditions leave the current’s quarry clinging in their nymphal states to the submerged rocks and riverbed, patiently awaiting the gentle chide of warming water. For most trout enthusiasts, there is nothing quite as satisfying as watching a well-placed dry fly being eagerly swallowed by the cresting beak of an engaged trout. This spectacle coupled with the authoritative bend in the rod, the twisted intermingling of line and chattering reel, prompts anglers to get up pre-dawn on the weekends after enduring a five-day laborious stretch of work-week sunrises. To satiate my desire for aggressive springtime slurps out of season, and pass the time before their likelihood, I regularly find myself engaging in the cold weather, high-risk, frequently unrewarded gamble of targeting trophy trout.


The Whens

I firmly subscribe to the old angling adage that, “The best time to fish is when you have time to fish.” That being said, when the odds are slanted against you, you may want to stack as much in your favor as possible. A lot of big fish are caught during the cold weather seasons, since they are more easily goaded into aggressively engulfing a streamer when they’re hoping to fill their bellies with a calorie-rich winter meal. During pre-spawn periods when larger trout become aggressive, their temperament may also encourage them to strike a large fly that resembles a smaller trout or any other egg-eating baitfish inhabiting the river. During those times of the year, it’s important to be mindful of reds and to leave any actively spawning fish alone. When I’m chasing a big bite from trout, you can assume I’m bundled up and expecting to deal with less than favorable weather. I also tend to get more streamer-happy during or following a rainstorm when the rivers are high and a bit off color. All that sediment and silt discoloring the water may help to hide heavy leaders and cover up any casting or presentation errors that are made, in turn fooling otherwise weary trout . Also, the increased flows may force a fish to decide without hesitation whether or not to attack a bait before the water carries it out of reach. Large trout also tend to be a bit more snappy during low light periods, so I prefer to target them in the mornings and evenings.


The Wheres

Another angling adage, regularly recited by my father during the fishing follies and disappointments of my youth was, “He didn't get that big by being stupid.” This comment usually followed some angling chagrin, which I, even at an adult age, take very poorly. I was most commonly exposed to this quip following the loss of a large fish, after witnessing the ejection of my hook from its mouth, or after watching a fish reject my offering subsequent to a scrutinous inspection. I definitely didn’t and don’t appreciate any comment after a major fish-fail, but nevertheless, the air of the statement rings true: Big trout are smart. You’re most likely to find them stealthily stowed in the tightest crisscrosses of a gnarly log-jam, dwelling in the deepest recesses of pools, tucked underneath root riddled undercut banks, or in inconspicuous crevices and cracks beneath and between large rocks. In these environments big trout stay safe from predators, including you, and use the cover to ambush prey. At any given moment a fish can be anywhere in the river and I often deploy casts to cover lesser holding water but I focus the bulk of my time targeting the aforementioned habitats and plying those areas with extra regard.


The Arsenal

If I’m investing my time in big trout, I’m likely going to wager on a big bait to fool it, and I'm going to need stout gear to land it. Leave the delicate rods at home. I usually throw 6 through 8 weight rods, coupled with reliable reels, and sinking line or sink tips connected to 4- 9 foot lengths of 10 to 20 lb fluorocarbon. These vary depending on river conditions and sizes, as well as the size of the trout I expect to find in a particular river system. Leaders should be substantial enough to bully that trout away from cover and withstand an aggressive strip-set. The majority of streamer-eaters aren’t leader shy. I most often want my fly swimming deep near the river bottom. For situations in which I worry about the trout seeing the sinking line or sink tip, I generally employ a long leader with a heavy fly and maybe a couple nodes of well-placed spit shot to keep my offering at its desired depth. As far as flies go, there are no shortages of colorfully named streamers gracing fly shop displays or on sale online. I generally recommend finding some that match the forage fish in the river you are targeting and then grabbing a few that stand out and look a little less natural. Some streamers look nothing like baitfish but move and flash in a way that peaks the curiosity of apex trout. I also favor a slow, erratically cadenced retrieve incorporating pauses, but I regularly experiment with it and speed it up to see what presentation elicits the most aggressive response. It’s never a bad idea to head to a local fly shop for advice or to hire a guide and pick his brain for the morning.


The Outcome

Another adage that my father lovingly tortured me with after failed fishing endeavors during my childhood was, “Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you.” Getting skunked is something that then and even now, in my forties, I’ve seldom taken gracefully. I’ve heard that the tolerance for it comes with age, but I’d be a liar if I claimed that I expected that to change in my 50’s or 60’s. In that aspect, I shamefully admit that I’ll be forever 12. Sadly, if you’re playing the big trout game, you're going to have to accept a stern skunking, even if you don’t like it, and afterwards somehow summon the fortitude to attempt it again and again. I think one way to endure this is to trick yourself into enjoying the process, and even if it includes a mouthful of sour failure, never give up. Rivers have been the settings for the bulk of my fondest memories. I’ve rarely fished a day in my life where I didn’t learn something new and that knowledge has usually been bestowed on me with or without fish and often unsolicited. It could be a subtle nuance in your favorite river, where a trout might hold, but somehow you’ve never noticed it. Or the way the abdomen of a specific river nymph in one river is slightly lighter in hue than in the river you fished in last week. Two lessons that I've learned in the past few decades on the water are that well-iced beer is still cold no matter how many fish you do or don't catch and that failure is made more tolerable with company. So, if you decide to bundle-up and go galumphing into a river to hunt for your trophy, it probably isn’t a poor idea to take along a friend and having a six-pack waiting at home. Besides, you’re going to need someone to snap a grip and grin when you net that 25 incher, right? Good luck out there.


BY: Anthony Lohr

Asheville Fly Fishing Company

Full Time Fly Fishing Guide

Asheville, NC

BOOK A GUIDED TRIP with Tony by clicking the button and requesting him on the reservation form or CONTACT US button.


Fly Fishing for Trout During Winter - Asheville, NC

Fly Fishing for Trout During Winter - Asheville, NC

Winter fly fishing tips by Asheville Fly Fishing Company guide, Tony Lohr.



Sculpzilla is a popular pattern that imitates one of the brown trout’s favorite baitfish, the sculpin. On the South Holston River and Watauga River, it is a streamer pattern that often finds its way into our rotation when targeting predatory fish.

Gray's Sporting Journal features Asheville Fly Fishing Company

AFFC featured in Gray’s Sporting Journal - January 2021

One of the most renowned sporting publications, Gray's Sporting Journal, is the world's leading periodical of sporting literature, art, and photography.

Check out a great story on William Bartram and how we traced his travels along the Tennessee River in the latest issue of Gray's Sporting Journal, Volume 45 / Issue 7. We are honored to have been a part of such an epic adventure that will ring long in all our memories. That was fun!
Thanks to Gray's Sporting Journal for having us!


Asheville Fly Fishing Company's newest guide ~ Dave Alexander

Asheville Fly Fishing Company's newest guide ~ Dave Alexander

Please help us welcome Dave Alexander to the Asheville Fly Fishing Company guide team!

Tailwater Roundup - Watauga River Clean up

Tailwater Roundup - Watauga River Clean up

We had a great day cleaning up the Watauga River in Elizabethton, TN this past weekend as part of the Tailwater Roundup.

Gift Certificates - Guided Fly Fishing Trip

Gift Certificates - Guided Fly Fishing Trip

Gift Certificates are available for your fishy friends & loved ones. 

Asheville Fly Fishing Report

Asheville Fly Fishing Company

Summertime is officially here in Asheville, NC!  Water levels are above average and conditions are great for fishing and enjoying the outdoors.  We've noticed the fishing has been better than the previous two years and we anticipate the trend will continue.  Here's a few highlights of what you can find on the water in the Asheville area.  



Asheville Smallmouth Bass

Water temps are just now getting above 70 degrees with average to above average water levels compared to the 100yr. average.  While spring has been hit or miss due to rainfall and blown out rivers, the fishing has been very good this year.  Those windows of time when the river clears just enough before the next rain are gold.  The fish know the rain is coming and they must feed while the livin' is easy.  As summer continues and temperatures rise, fishing will start to slow down mid-day.  Please consider practicing catch and release and keeping the fish wet.  An 18" Smallmouth Bass takes 8-10yrs. to get that big.  The top water bite is hot and fish are exploding on frog patterns and boogle bugs.  Enjoy!



Asheville Fly Fishing Company - 1_21.JPG

Sulfurs are hatching on the both the South Holston River & Watauga River, offering great dry fly fishing.  Any time now the Japanese Beetles will start falling out of the trees.  The Brown Trout will be there waiting and so will we.  This event is a blast and offers both beginners and experts the opportunity to sight fish.  These rivers fish well year round and boast a dense population of wild Brown Trout.  Both rivers are most effectively fished from a driftboat as water levels change daily.  Please use caution if you plan on wading and make sure you know the generation schedule. 

WNC Delayed Harvest waters have opened as of June 3rd, so wade fishing just got a whole lot tougher.   During summer months we recommend floating but if you prefer wading, we recommend going for wild trout in the higher elevation streams.  This will take you away from the crowds and into to the wilderness where native Brook Trout aggressively rise to dry flies. 


A few shots from recent trips... 

Smallmouth Bass Asheville

Safety First! AFFC guides are certified to the highest level.

You can rest assured that you will be in safe hands with Asheville Fly Fishing Company.  Our team has the highest level of Swift Water Rescue and River Rescuecertification in addition to the minimum required CPR / First Aid certification.  


  • ACA - Level IV Swift Water Rescue Certified
  • Rescue 3 International - Level III River Rescue Certified
  • Adult, Child, Baby First Aid / CPR / AED Certified


Here's a few highlights of what is required of us with these certifications:

  • Swimming in 40-50 degree water for extended periods.
  • Swimming class III whitewater rapids
  • Swimming/ Rescue wearing boots & waders
  • Hydrology and Hazards
  • Technical equipment
  • Trip Planning
  • Risk prevention and assessment
  • Rescue techniques using throw-bags, zip-lines and roping systems
  • Knots and anchor systems
  • Flipped, wrapped and pinned boat rescue. 


Here's what Swift Water Rescue education looks like... 


Featured on Field and Stream

Thanks to Fin & Field for adding us to Papa-Would-Be-Proud Adventure Series featured on Field and Stream. 

Click this link to read:

Asheville Fly Fishing Company

Featured in Dun Magazine "Page 5 Guide"

A big fishy thanks to the fine folks at Dun Magazine.  We love them and Dun magazine.  The magazine is available online and in print for your enjoyment. 

It was fun answering their questions and that is what its all about!  Thanks for keeping it fun!  Check out the feature and this great fishing magazine by clicking the following link. 


Asheville Fly Fishing Company

Asheville Fly Fishing Company featured in Southern Culture on the Fly Magazine

While your recovering from a food coma in your favorite chair this holiday,  take a minute to check out the most recent issue of Southern Culture on the Fly.  We had the pleasure of rowing the SCOF crew down the Natahala Gorge on a day off from guiding.  We were in aluminum Drift Boats hunting for wild brown trout.   

A big thank you to the guys at Southern Culture on the Fly for a great experience.  It is always a pleasure with SCOF and we love their magazine.

Thank you to Asheville Fly Fishing Company's guides Zach Bassett and Anthony Esposito for their great work behind the oars and great attitudes.   

To read the full article go to 

Here's a few shots from the article...  


JULY Fishing Report: South Holston River & Watauga River

July was a good month.  It was a hot, busy month on the water.  While below average water levels and above average temperatures have made the Smallmouth Bass fishing challenging, the tailwaters in East Tennessee have been fishing great!  Since the South Holston River and Watauga River are tailwaters (Rivers fed by a dam where the water comes from the bottom of the lake), they stay cold enough and flow enough for the fish to remain happy.  We've been experiencing some extra happy fish this summer with the abundance of Japanese Beetles falling out of the trees.  Both brown and rainbow trout are looking for them actively and the Big Brown Trout are on the prowl.   The Beetles have been on for two or three weeks and we anticipate they will continue through August.  If you want in on the action, give us a call!  We still have a little availability in August, so book sooner than later!

Here's a few of July's highlights...  


Canada: Bad bacon. Decent beer. Unforgettable smallmouth fishing

Asheville Fly Fishing Company guide Knox Campbell just got back from fishing Canada.  His trip was of a "Guide's day off" nature.  A little R&R, R&D, and quality time with friends.  Upon his return he had a serious case of perma-grin and a skip in his step.  We knew what that meant and being Smallmouth Bass fanatics, we wanted details.  So we slid to the edge of our chairs and let the good times roll.  Here's what Knox shared with us... 

Asheville Fly Fishing Company - Smallmouth Bass

I touched down in Toronto just past mid-night on June 18th. Coincidentally this date has a lot of meaning for me, but for this post the most important fact to keep in mind is that June 18 is the opening day for smallies in Ontario, something we don't appreciate here in the south. The plan was set a year before. Ben, a buddy that I had originally met on a flight to Portugal a few years ago, picked my girlfriend and I up at the airport. Once through customs we walked out the doors and immediately saw Ben waiting. Hugs and back slaps were exchanged and then we were off. After a non-stop 4 hour drive we arrived at our destination- a tiny, glacial lake 20 miles from the St Lawrence Seaway that Ben's family had a cottage on and that had no public access.

Asheville Fly Fishing Company - Smallmouth Bass
Asheville Fly Fishing Company

It was 4:15 and the sky was just turning grey. Rod, reel, and fly box had been stashed strategically on top of the food rations in the back of the car for easy retrieval, and withing 10 minutes of pulling into the drive we were in the Lund, cutting through the morning air with me standing at the bow, 8 wt in hand, fly line lying at my feet, a freshly tied yellow popping bug on the leader, and the unforgettable feeling you have just before doing something you'd been envisioning and anticipating for a long time. The outboard was silenced and the boat went into a quiet glide. Before Ben even had time to point out a rocky reef I threw my first cast. One pop. Two pops. Pause. Rod tip just over the water. Boom. Big eat and even bigger fish. That first fish of the trip came just as the warm colors of morning bled across the horizon. There were countless fish caught on that trip, but that first fish, and that first morning in Canada, blending with all of the emotions of the past year and a half, was one of the most powerful moments of my life. I said a silent "thank you" to no one in particular, and for a few moments, even with my hands still wet and fishy, forgot about the fishing. I took in the lake and the light, looked at my buddy, and smiled. He knowingly smiled back, and without a word and with eye brows raised, pointed to a rise ring behind me.  

Read more about Knox Campbell here


FISHING REPORT:   Smallmouth Bass in Asheville

The Smallmouth Bass fishing has been above average this year.  Currently we are getting rain and cooler temperatures and the fish are happy.  Guided trips have been producing trophy fish on the fly and spin tackle.   We target these fish by Drift Boat and Raft and offer all inclusive full day and half day trips.  Here's one from last week...

Asheville Fly Fishing Company - Smallmouth Bass


Smallmouth Bass Season is here

Smallmouth Bass Season is here

Guided Smallmouth Bass trips near Asheville, NC.  BOOK A TRIP:  (828) 779-9008

Spring Fishing is on!

We've been busy guiding and making memories on the rivers of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina.  Spring fishing has been great so far and its just getting started.

Thanks to all our recent guests for making our jobs fun!

Here's a few pictures from this weeks guided trips. 

Book a Trip: (828) 779-9008

Fishing Report: South Holston River

The South Holston River has gained a reputation for being among the best Wild Brown Trout fisheries in the Southeast United States.   With an average of 8,000 trout per mile, 20 miles of fishable water sustaining 85% wild browns, we can attest to its greatness.  Being a Tailwater, where the water level is controlled by a dam, it is a year round fishery offering world class fly fishing with various opportunities.  It's limestone riverbed and consistent water temperature provide excellent conditions for trout to thrive.  The “Soho” is no doubt a “Brown Trout Factory.”   We would love the opportunity to guide you to a great experience on the South Holston River!   


Recent fly fishing trips on the South Holston River have been very productive.  With the spawning sections opening up as of February 1, 2016, the fish haven’t seen the normal fishing pressure.  In turn, fish have been aggressive towards streamers on low pressure, cloudy days.  Streamer colors have varied based on sunlight and water clarity.  The following formula is a good place to start:

  • Cloudy Skies / Clear Water = Natural Colors
  • Cloudy Skies / Dingy Water = Black, Grey, Purple
  • Sunny Skies / Clear Water = Natural Colors, Bright Colors
  • Sunny Skies / Dingy Water = Florescent and Bright Colors

In addition, use streamers in darker colors in the winter and early months of the year and as the water warms graduate to the lighter-colors.  Use florescent and bright colors in muddy and dingy water, and lighter colors in clear and warmer waters.

With all the snowmelt, rain and demand for electricity, the Dam generators have been running 24/7.  During these periods, the fish acclimate to high water holding spots and the bigger Wild Brown Trout come out to play.

On high pressure days with abundant sun, nymphs, midges and soft hackles are getting the job done.  As Spring and warmer temperatures approach, dry fly fishing will get better.  Until then, warmer days reaching 60+ degrees will produce some great Blue Winged Olive hatches and rising fish.

Because the South Holston River’s levels fluctuate depending on generation, we recommend two days on this river to get the best conditions and maximize your experience.  We offer all inclusive guided fishing trips and various lodging options to accommodate you best.    

Tight Lines!

We look forward to getting on the water with you!


Asheville Fly Fishing Company, LLC

BOOK A TRIP:  (828) 779-9008

Photography: Copyright 2016 Galen Kipar