Safety First! AFFC guides are certified to the highest level.

You can rest assured that you will be in safe hands with Asheville Fly Fishing Company.  Our team has the highest level of Swift Water Rescue and River Rescuecertification in addition to the minimum required CPR / First Aid certification.  


  • ACA - Level IV Swift Water Rescue Certified
  • Rescue 3 International - Level III River Rescue Certified
  • Adult, Child, Baby First Aid / CPR / AED Certified


Here's a few highlights of what is required of us with these certifications:

  • Swimming in 40-50 degree water for extended periods.
  • Swimming class III whitewater rapids
  • Swimming/ Rescue wearing boots & waders
  • Hydrology and Hazards
  • Technical equipment
  • Trip Planning
  • Risk prevention and assessment
  • Rescue techniques using throw-bags, zip-lines and roping systems
  • Knots and anchor systems
  • Flipped, wrapped and pinned boat rescue. 


Here's what Swift Water Rescue education looks like...